Monday, December 31, 2012

Parshas Shmos 2

Yocheved sends her little Moshe down the Nile river (as per Parohs decree) in a little basket.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Parshas Vayechi

When Yaakov bleessed his Grandchildren Efrayim and Menashe, he crossed his arms blessing the oldest (Menashe) with his left hand and the younger (Efrayim) with his right hand. It should have been the other way round, oldest with right hand and younger with left. When Yosef asked his father, Yaakov tells Yosef that even though both sons will have holy descendants, he's giving Efraim the extra push because he knows that in the future a descendant of Efraim will be so great that he'll freeze the sun in the sky as he leads the conquest of Canaan. This great leader is none other than Yehoshua bin Nun

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Parshas Vayigash

Parshas Vayigash

In this weeks Parsha Yosef reveals to his brothers who he is and asks them to bring their father and families down to Mitzrayim as there is a famine and Mitzrayim had food.  

These satchels represent the move down to Mitzrayim.

Hope you have a wonderful blessed Shabbos!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Parshas Mikeitz

WOW I didnt thinik this weeks parsha dessert was going to happen!
From flopped recipes to retrying and then never actually being able to put pen to paper- or rather finger to keyboard... well I am happy to say that BH I have Parsha dessert and photos done!

In this weeks Parsha Yosef hides his goblet in Binyamins bag as his brothers are about to leave Mitzrayim and has him arrested for thievery.  He did this to keep Binyamin in Mitzrayim.

I found these cute disposable 'goblets' at a party shop.  Now I had to make the moose.  When ever I make chocolate moose I like to look for egg free recipes.  

I happened upon this recipe.  A 2 ingredient chocolate moose recipe.  Accompanied with a video and a whole scientific explanation why chocolate melted into hot water and whipped should actually work.  It didn't.  But I wouldnt call the result a complete flop.  I exchanged some of the water for chocolate liquor and the result albeit a bit runny tasted something a kin to a chocolate don pedro. really yummy.  For those who would rather stick to the original idea of chocolate moose,  there is a yummy version on gourmet kosher cooking (recipe over here) that works well.  I find it a bit sweet but very yummy. 

Hope you have a wonderful Shabbos.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parshas Vayeshev

In Parshas Vayeshev, Yosef really upsets his brothers and they decide to punish him by killing him.  Reuven however, convinced them to rather throw Yosef into a pit filled with snakes and scorpions instead.

This is Yosef in the pit surrounded by snakes (no scorpion shaped sweets).  
I made a chocolate chiffon cake as the ground and pit, covered with chocolate gnache, and for Yosef I made ginger bread men.  

have a wonderful Shabbos!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Parshas Vayishlach

In this weeks Parsha Rachel Imeinu passes away whilst giving birth to Binyamin.  

For this weeks Parsha Dessert I decided to make an edible version of Kever Rachel.  

For those of you that don't know,  this is what Kever Rachel looks like... or rather looked like before they added all those mammoth sized security walls around it!

To make Kever Rachel, make a coco-pops marshmallow crispies(recipe below).  For the dome, line a round bowl with a bag and mush ice-cream into it.  Freeze and then assemble before serving.

Enjoy and have a wonderful blessed Shabbos!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Parshas Vayeitze

I baked some cup cakes for Shabbos and decided to turn them into little sheep for the Parsha as well...  When Yaakov left Lavan, he was a wealthy man with lots of sheep...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Parshas Vayeitze 2

Yaakov heads back down south to his mother's home town. But just as he's about to enter Charan, he realizes that he had passed a holy site without stopping there to pray. That holy site is Har Hamoriah where Avrohom brought Yitzchok to be sacrificed years ago. It is also the site of the future Beit Hamikdash. Hashemaccepts prayers more readily at this site and Yaakov has a lot to pray for. So he backtracks all the way to Har Hamoriah. Even though this is weeks worth of travel, Yaakov makes the trip in a very short time.

Yaakov arrives at the spot just as the sun is setting. So hedavens Maariv and heads for bed. Well, actually there are no beds in sight, so stones will have to do. Yaakov takes twelve stones and makes a pillow out of them on the ground. He doesn't know it, but, miraculously, all 12 stones merge into one "fluffy" rock pillow, supporting this tzadik as he sleeps.

These represent the 12 stones merging into one soft rock.

Hope you have a wonderful Shabbos!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Parshas Toldos

In this weeks parsha, we learn about the differences between Eisav and Yaakov.  Esav grows up to be a ‘cunning hunter of the field’ and Yaakov a
‘wholesome man’, a dweller in the tents of learning.   When Yitzchak was sitting shiva for his father Avraham Avinu, Yaakov was cooking him some lentil soup.  Lentils is the traditional dish a mourner eats.  Eisav came home from a long and fruitless day at the field, hungry and frustrated.  He saw the soup cooking and demanded Yaakov give him some.  Yaakov answered that the soup was not ready yet, but Eisav insisted that he didnt want to wait and would eat the soup as it is.

Yaakov decided to make a bargain with Eisav.  He would serve him the soup as it was, and Eisav would sell his birthright (being the older of the twins) to Yaakov.  Eisav thought this a great deal! he gets soup now, and gives up all the responsibilities that go with being the oldest son!

For Parsha Dessert this week, I decided to make a 'pot of red soup'. 

Enjoy and have a wonderful Shabbos!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Parshas Chayei Sarah

 When Eliezer was looking for a wife for Yitzchak, he asked Hashem to send him a sign when he finds the right girl.  The sign was to be that when he asks for water to drink who ever offers to put water out for his camels as well will be the one.

Hope you have a wonderful Shabbos!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


In this weeks parsha we learn that even though Avraham Avinu had just had a bris, he was still desperate to have guests to perform the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim.  His tent is described as having 4 openings so that guests could in come from any direction!

I tried to coat the outside with chocolate.  

It didnt work so I left them plain instead.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Parshas Lech Lecha

Hashem promises Avraham that his descendants will be as many as the stars in the sky and the dust in the earth (so many that you cant count them).

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Parshas Mishpatim 2

Naase Venishma crown cup cakes made with home made plastic icing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Emily Carr (1887-1986)

Emily Carr was a Canadian artist and writer.  Most of Carr's early paintings portrayed the Indian cultures that she encountered on her visits there.  Most of Carr's later paintings reflected her desire to capture the spirit of the forest.
In this class we took her themes of the forest and painted them using watercolours. 

First we practiced some watercolour techniques...

from dark to light

and then learning to blend colours...

and finally the final pictures...

Parshas Beshalach 2

Mount Sinai coco-pops/marshamallow cups filled with ice cream.
the tables (10 commandments) are chocolates 

Friday, February 3, 2012

splitting of the red sea cupcakes

We made cupcakes in the theme of the splitting of the red sea...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Salt (sand) Art

This project is the traditional sand art paintings with a twist.  first the kids coloured in the salt making containers full of each colour.

Them i allowed the kids to trace a picture of their choice.

now the fun begins! with a paint brush the kids 'paint' the glue one area(colour) at a time then pouring the salt on.


Waterpaint books camp 2011

the campers painted an A3 paper using water paints diluted applied with sponges.  the had a choice of either making patterns with the sponges on the page or brushing straight lines across.  when it dried we folded then in half, added A4 paper inside, punched holes and used wool to attach.

 And this one, Adina decided to leave as a full page and not fold in half

Salt dough projects -KidsArt camp 2011

Basic Salt Dough Recipe

  • 1 cup of fine salt

  • 1 cup of flour

  • 1/2 cup of water (may add more)

  • In a large bowl, combine the salt and the flour

  • Make a well in the salt/flour mixture and add the water

  • Knead until smooth and shape into a ball

  • When not in use, wrap in plastic or store in an airtight container

  • When finished shaping, bake in oven on 110C for a couple of hours.  You will know it is ready when it is hard to the touch. 
