Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Parshas Toldos

In this weeks parsha, we learn about the differences between Eisav and Yaakov.  Esav grows up to be a ‘cunning hunter of the field’ and Yaakov a
‘wholesome man’, a dweller in the tents of learning.   When Yitzchak was sitting shiva for his father Avraham Avinu, Yaakov was cooking him some lentil soup.  Lentils is the traditional dish a mourner eats.  Eisav came home from a long and fruitless day at the field, hungry and frustrated.  He saw the soup cooking and demanded Yaakov give him some.  Yaakov answered that the soup was not ready yet, but Eisav insisted that he didnt want to wait and would eat the soup as it is.

Yaakov decided to make a bargain with Eisav.  He would serve him the soup as it was, and Eisav would sell his birthright (being the older of the twins) to Yaakov.  Eisav thought this a great deal! he gets soup now, and gives up all the responsibilities that go with being the oldest son!

For Parsha Dessert this week, I decided to make a 'pot of red soup'. 

Enjoy and have a wonderful Shabbos!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting today
    I am looking forward to baking and eating this yummy creative dessert and sharing with my family and company
    In the future all I need is the ingrediants by Tuesday night. I don't want you to bake on Tuesday (even a sample)Thursday for the recipe and picture will bw just fine
    Thank you again,off to the candy store tomorrow
