Friday, November 9, 2012

Parshas Chayei Sarah

 When Eliezer was looking for a wife for Yitzchak, he asked Hashem to send him a sign when he finds the right girl.  The sign was to be that when he asks for water to drink who ever offers to put water out for his camels as well will be the one.

Hope you have a wonderful Shabbos!


  1. I love your ideas! I also try to make something for the parshah, and every week i look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  2. I love your creativity!
    My family and guests love your themes and desserts and Dvar Torah you post
    Is it possible to post the dessert and recipe by Tuesday night?,It is hard getting the post Thursday afternoon,doesn't allow much time to shop for the ingredients
    Thank you again and Shabbat Shalom!

  3. Hi there :) Im really glad you like the desserts :) I will try to post earlier. The only challenge being that I like it to be fresh for Shabbos as well... but I will try.

  4. Orit,
    Thank you so much
    I was just asking if possible for the recipe by Tuesday Night so I can have all the ingredients in the house by Thursday when you post your picture.
    Thank you again and "The Well" was a huge hit in my house
    Everyone loved it and thought it was so creative and delicious

  5. Looks adorable! How did you make the top of the well?

  6. Hi there! I piped melted chocolate onto wax paper :)
