Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Parshas Beshalach

Bnei Yisrael are fleeing from Mitzrayim and find themselves between the sea and the Mitzrim that are chasing them. They realize there is nowhere to go other than walk into the sea.  This is a big test for bnei Yisrael.  They have to show complete faith in Hashem.  They show that they trust that Hashem will perform miracles and get them across the sea.  Nachshon ben Aminadav is the first to jump into the water.  He walks in until the water is shoulder deep and then suddenly the water completely splits.  There is dry land infront of them and the water forms into glass walls.

These cupcakes are decorated with whipped Riches whip to illustrate the splitting of the sea.  Using the back of a teaspoon, (like I did with the burning bush) create the waves and the wall.  then mixing the whip with a different colour, make little dots for the people walking through.

When Bnei Yirael arrive at an area called 'Massa' they realize that they are thirsty and there is no water in sight.  Moshe is commanded by Hashem to hit a rock and water pours out of it.

hoping you have a wonderful Shabbos!

1 comment:

  1. cute!!! I did something similar -- you can see it at I am curious to see your other ideas in the archives....
