Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Parshas Shmini

In Parshas Shmini we learn about all the kosher animals and how we know that they are kosher. Animals have to chew their cud and have split hooves like a cow, goat sheep or camel. Kosher Fish have fins and scales and the only kosher birds are listed. Among them.... the chicken! chicken make with icecream and decorated with sweets.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the scales for kedoshim!!! looks really really impressive with minimal prep time...so cute! i ended up just doing red frosting 'lips' on cupcakes for 'richiloot' this week. had i seen your idea in time, i'd have done it!! keep it up! a lot of my stuff i've put on my page 'desserts with torah sprinkles' through blogspot but i'm usually a couple of weeks behind with posting...shavua tov!
